Dreamland adventures®
Kauai, Colorado and prague

Dreamland Adventures™ is a meditation series for kids. On these adventures, we always go somewhere fun using mindful breathing to propel us. As we explore our destination, we experience beautiful and interesting sights and end with a full body relaxation with a choice to drift off to sleep/nap or to continue on with their day once they are ready.

Exposing your child(ren) to mindfulness is giving them a gift. You are empowering them to tap into the benefits of conscious breathing and providing them a skill set that will be carried throughout their life. Through imagination, focus, and meditation your child(ren) will increase their resiliency to handle life's ups and downs. They will also be introduced to beautiful destinations around the world to spark their interest in travel while simultaneously learning about different cultures, nature and gaining a wider perspective of the world.

There are an abundance of opportunities to bring these meditations into your children's life, here are a few examples:
* before bed as part of a bedtime routine
* during the afternoon lull for a nice break for everyone
* before exams/during stressful circumstances
* on driving trips
* after school/sports pick up to help transition

These meditations have worked well in all of these scenarios. In what ways can you creatively integrate the meditations into your life to make them work for you and your family? The goal is to make life easier on all of you while also gifting your little one(s) the everlasting benefits of meditation.

Join us in this Dreamland Adventure™ Bundle that includes three meditations where we will travel to Kauai, Colorado and Prague.